Sober living

Hangover Headache

This phrase, by the way, dates to the days when people thought you could cure rabies by sipping a potion made from the fur of the beast that bit you. “This can be made even worse if you have not kept yourself hydrated with soft drinks. Becoming dehydrated through drinking too much alcohol can serve to make your hangover worse, and make the effects last longer.” If you’re 21, your ability to detoxify alcohol is different than if you’re 40 (or even 28), says Dr. Pedre. “As we get older, our cells age, and we might not be able to process toxins as we did when we were younger,” he says. So while three drinks was fine back in the dorms sophomore year, that amount may feel like double that 10 years later. “Alcohol has a diuretic effect—heavy drinking may maximize that,” says Vincent Pedre, MD, author of Happy Gut.

Alcohol has a diuretic effect that makes you pee more, leading to dehydration if you’re not also drinking water. If you drink enough alcohol to vomit, then that’s even more fluid lost. However, drinking more does often make for a more severe hangover, and severe hangovers usually last longer.

Drugs & Supplements

There is no particular way to increase the speed at which a person detoxes from alcohol and recovers from a hangover. As we get older, our how long does a hangover last body’s ability to process toxins slows down. As a result, you might be down for the count on less alcohol (and for longer) than before.

Ideal for helping the liver to process the after-effects of too much alcohol, Take before you get the party started to line your stomach and protect your liver from the worst effects. “It’s also worth mentioning that it’s more likely to be lifestyle factors which play the biggest part in making us feel worse during a hangover. A missed meal can also make hangovers last a lot longer, with Abdeh advising “you should always line your stomach with a meal before you start to drink. Therefore, you should always read the information that comes with any medicine you take to see if there are any specific alcohol warnings. Many medications are metabolized (meaning broken down) by the liver and kidneys—the same organs your body uses to metabolize alcohol, which can leave those two organs working overtime, and possibly not performing their best.

Can you make a hangover go away faster?

Antibiotics can also affect how your body processes alcohol, says Dr. Cox. Time without alcohol use is the only true remedy for a hangover. Popular strategies such as cold showers and coffee drinking can briefly increase alertness. If a person experiences a hangover, it is best to drink plenty of fluids to rehydrate the body. Some people rehydrate using sports drinks containing electrolytes to ease hangover symptoms.

how long does a hangover last

Eating before drinking alcohol therefore ensures the alcohol is absorbed into the blood stream slower compared to drinking on an empty stomach. In fact, studies have shown that drinking without eating will result in the alcohol being absorbed twice as fast as someone who has eaten. Consider alternating a non-alcoholic drink with each alcoholic beverage. It will give your body more time to digest the alcohol, reducing hangover symptoms.