
What kills fleas instantly on puppies

The best way to quickly and effectively kill fleas on puppies is to use a flea shampoo or anti-flea product for pets. Be sure to use a product that’s specifically made for puppies, as most products intended for adult cats and dogs will be much too harsh on the puppy’s sensitive skin. These products are easy to find at pet stores, veterinarians’ offices, and online retailers. Follow the instructions closely and bathe the puppy in warm water with the shampoo or anti-flea product. Rinse thoroughly and dry completely after bathing, as leaving any residue on the skin can cause irritation.

If you prefer a more natural solution, apple cider vinegar can also be used to repel fleas from your pup’s coat. Make a 50/50 solution of apple cider vinegar and water, then spray it directly onto your puppy’s fur while taking care to avoid their ears and face. The smell of the vinegar should repel any fleas present, but the mixture may need to be reapplied several times before all of the fleas have been repelled.

Vacuum carpets and other fabrics

Vacuuming carpets and upholstery is part of an effective flea prevention plan. Vacuuming kills fleas in all stages of their life cycle, including adults, eggs, larvae, and pupae. What’s more, the high speed rotating bristles of the vacuum will dislodge and collect flea eggs that are tucked away in fabric fibers.

It’s definitely recommended to vacuum at least twice a week, if not every day. Take extra care to pay attention to areas where puppies go – bedding, couches, chairs and other cushions should all be thoroughly vacuumed. And don’t forget to empty out your vacuums bag or canister after each use. That way you don’t leave any pesky fleas behind!

Use flea repellants and insecticides

The best way to kill fleas on puppies is to use flea repellants and insecticides. Flea repellants are effective because they not only reduce the number of fleas present, but can also keep more from coming in contact with your puppy. Insecticides kill adult fleas quickly, however, if you don’t keep up on it, a new batch of fleas can quickly inhabit your area.

When using flea repellants or insecticides, always read the label closely to make sure they are safe for puppies. Some products may be too powerful and could cause an adverse reaction in your pup depending on their age or size. Remember to only use products specifically designed for dealing with fleas and check with a qualified veterinarian if you have any doubts about which product to choose.

Wash pet bedding, towels, and blankets frequently

Washing pet bedding, towels, and blankets frequently is a must when trying to kill fleas on puppies instantly. Fleas love to hide in soft fabrics such as these since it provides them with warmth and safety. This means that if you don’t wash these surfaces often, the fleas will continue to lurk around your pup- even after treatment!

When washing pet bedding, towels, and blankets start by removing them from the home so they aren’t picked up accidentally through vacuuming or other activities. Next, wash them in hot water- preferably over 140 degrees Fahrenheit- so that any living insects are killed instantaneously. Finally, dry the items using the hottest possible setting on your dryer; typically this will be at least 115 degrees Fahrenheit for 30 minutes or more. Doing all of this will help ensure that no current flea infestations remain present.

Treat pets with topical or oral medications

Treating puppies with topical and oral flea medications are one of the quickest ways to kill fleas. Topical medications come in liquid form and are applied to the back of the neck. These special formulas will absorb through the skin and get into the blood stream, killing fleas on contact. Some formulas protect for up to 30 days.

Oral medications can prove to be another effective way to kill fleas quickly. Tablets are ingested by your pet or you can mix it in with their food just like any other medication. These tablets attack fleas from within your pet’s body and begin killing them rapidly. Your vet will be able to give your pup an accurate dosage so that all of their infestations can be eradicated quickly and safely.

To review

There are a variety of ways you can kill fleas instantly on puppies; however, for long-term protection against future flea infestations, it is essential to treat your home environment as well.